Has it really been this long??? Over a YEAR has gone by. I enjoyed Christmas with family, 2009 came and went, I broke my ankle, had surgery, a titanium plate and 7 screws, recovered from that, had time to sit here and blog, never did.
Our country even voted for President of the United States in November of 2009 and now we have our first Black, truly African American (because his father really IS from Africa and his mother really IS American) President in our Nations History. I wonder how this will go more for the Black population than anything else. You know the whole WORLD will be watching us now.
Facebook came along for me. I watched the excitement of my young adult children as they enjoyed their friends and finding the one's they thought they had lost and I've been there ever since.
The only thing is, I don't find that as a place to really BLOG though. You can ramble a bit but you really can't voice too many opinions as everyone just makes one-liner comments. They don't really want to HEAR what you have to say and give it true thought.
SO...here I am. Don't get me wrong now, I DO enjoy my FB pages. I LOVE my fun places there. Garden World, Zoo World, Fish World and a bunch of us compete with the dreaded Bejeweled Blitz! It's all a BLAST. I LOVE to find old pictures to post for all my high school friends to see and say "OMG-was that really US" and I send friends to Paris friends to remind us of how much FUN we had while we lived there. So the whole FORMAT of FB is wonderful.
I've found friends I haven't seen since High School. I have been able to re-connect with ALL my Paris friends who do a wonderful job of keeping up on nearly a daily basis. Of course there are a BUNCH of people who ASK to be friends but once "friended" usually drop off the FACE OF THE EARTH and you don't really hear from them again. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT. Do you suppose after they see who you are now they don't really want to be your friend any more than they wanted to be your friend, say, BACK IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!??????
Now, that said, I HAVE found my core group of HIGH SCHOOL PALS who are so happy to have re-connected that it's been just like time never passed us by. I have visited with them TWICE now on my journeys that have taken me SOUTH to Florida. I can't WAIT to re-locate (yet again...and I think this will be the LAST time) so that we will all have a chance to STAY connected!!!!
In closing...the world is in chaos still, Iraq, Afghanistan is still under siege, Haiti has been hit by a disastrous earthquake, but, at home, here on my blob and over on FB...life is GOOD!!!!
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